Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Just a little change...

I direct the mission and outreach ministry at a downtown church in Jackson, Mississippi. By virtue of being in the declining downtown area, I am bombarded everyday with the reality of homelessness and the people who call the streets of Jackson their home. During the course of my 4 years in missions, I have met countless men and women who live on the fringes of society. Some choose to live this way, but most do not. These musings will be a glimpse into my work, their lives and the path that we sometimes walk together...

His name is New York. That's all I know. His father's name was Manhattan. That's all I know. New York is tall and rail thin. He wears his hair in dreadlocks that haven't been washed in years. He is probably in his late 60's but it's really hard to tell for sure. I met him in the park years ago when I would go to give out sandwiches on Monday nights. His right hand is drawn and useless. He holds it high up against his chest and wears a watch band on that wrist. Each Monday night and later when he would come to the church, he would always ask me for a little change. He never asked for a dollar bill or anything else...just a little change. About two years ago, New York disappeared. I don't know where he is now, but I do know that I miss him.

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